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Losing Belly Fat Without Gym Workouts

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A physically fit and lean body is often considered the ideal body type. Looking at actors, actresses, models and other celebrities, the average individual might feel self-conscious. While most of the fat on the body tends to melt away with a good nutrition plan and regular exercise, unfortunately that stubborn belly fat might linger even after meeting your personal weight goals. While it might seem difficult to lose belly fat quickly, particularly when going to the gym is not an option, it is actually a simple process.
Start in the kitchen. The only way to get rid of belly fat is through a combination of exercise and diet. Write up a nutrition plan that cuts out sugary and high fat foods. Instead, add more whole grain carbohydrates, lean meats like fish and chicken and numerous vegetables. Change snacks from cookies, chips and other junk food to fresh fruit which is low in calories and high in vitamins and minerals. While it is not necessary to completely cut out desserts, plan a dessert for only once or twice a week. Desserts are high calorie foods that do not add nutritional value. Diet alone does not burn out all of the fat, but it helps lower body fat content by lowering calorie intake throughout the day.
Create an exercise plan. Exercise is a necessary part of losing belly fat and building up the muscles. You might wonder how to lose belly fat quickly without those gym workouts and it is possible to work on exercises in the home and still burn away that stubborn fat. Consider options for cardiovascular workouts at home. For example, a cardio workout at home might include dancing in your bedroom, walking or jogging around the neighborhood, going for a bike ride or riding roller blades in the local park. Cardio exercise helps burn fat from the body, so it is a necessary part of a healthy lifestyle.
Add some muscle-building exercises as well. While burning the fat throughout the entire body will help burn the fat on the stomach, the only way to get a flat stomach or get six-pack abs is through muscle-building. Spend time working on crunches, sit-ups and push-ups are perhaps the best exercises for shaping and strengthening the abs. Add other exercises like squats, lunges and training with dumbbells to help continue the fat burning process throughout the body. It is not actually possible to burn fat only in one area, so strengthening and burning fat from the whole body will help improve the look of the stomach.
The final key to burning fat from the belly quickly is through varying the intensity of the exercises. For example, one day a week run for one hour and then work on strength training for half an hour. The next day, bike for 20 minutes and take off the muscle-building.
The best way to lose belly fat quickly is through a healthy diet and an exercise plan that alternates between high intensity and low intensity throughout the week. If you need more information how to lose weight fast go to
For more information here

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Fruit And Vegetable Guide For Creating Juicing for Weight Loss Recipes

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Before listing the best fruits and vegetables for creating juicing for weight loss recipes there are a few important guidelines to keep in mind.
Most important is to beware of sugary fruit. Here is a partial list of high sugar content fruits that you should consume only occasionally: Plums, oranges, kiwifruit, pears, pineapple, tangerines, cherries, grapes, pomegranates, mangos, figs, and bananas. Yes, these are favorites but they will hinder your weight loss progress.
Also important is to mix juicing with a sensible diet. Juicing-only diets are not advised. They are potentially dangerous to your health. Such radical dieting should never be attempted without first consulting a physician.
As far as the number of times you should juice per day when juicing for weight loss, 3 times is adequate. Drink a juicing combination for breakfast and again for a mid-morning snack. Then eat your largest meal of the day for lunch. Follow with another juicing combo in the afternoon and then a moderate evening meal.
To create your juicing combinations select from the following vegetables and fruits:
Grapefruit, lemons, and limes- These should be your primary choices when adding fruit juice to your juicing combos.
Apples- The good news is that apples are about as good as it gets. They are sweet but a low glycemic fruit. Apples provide many health benefits including supporting healthy blood-sugar levels. When you need some nutritious sweetness for a combination include an apple.
Ginger- Just a sliver of ginger can provide flavor enhancement for many of your juicing combinations.
Carrot- Surprise, surprise! That veggie that your mom tried to get you to eat actually produces a sweet and delicious juice that will enhance your veggie combinations. Carrots aid digestions, cleanse the live, and provide high levels of beta-carotene.
Spinach- Also on your mom's list of favorites and for good reason. Spinach is rich in chlorophyll and calcium and helps to alkalize your body.
Cabbage- Yes, there really is something to cabbage for weight loss. Most importantly, cabbage is a potent antioxidant. Use cabbage liberally in juicing combinations.
Cucumber- Best for juicing is a variety called English cucumbers. This variety is more flavorful and doesn't overpower the flavors of other ingredients.
Tomato- As strange as it may seem, although acidic, tomatoes actually help reduce acid in the body. They help stimulate blood circulation, cleanse the liver, and work to purify the blood. They are also wonderful flavorful additions for your juicing combinations.
Beetroot- This is another vegetable that is good for your blood. Beets are also particularly good for your kidneys. Another benefit of this vegetable is that it adds sweetness to your combinations. Just don't over do it.
Lettuce- There are obviously many varieties of lettuce. For the purpose of accessing the most nutrients stick to the dark-green types of lettuce. Lettuce is alkalizing and mineral rich. Most green vegetables are alkaline rich and aid in maintaining a proper alkaline/acid pH balance in your body.
Watercress-This veggie is often overlooked but it should not be. Watercress is a powerful intestinal cleanser and toxin neutralizer. It's particularly good for the kidneys, bladder, blood circulation, cleansing the skin and serves to burn fat.
Just like any diet plan, to properly use dieting you must be disciplined. The good news is the juicing for weight loss recipes can help you shed pounds quickly.

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John Romaniello, New York’s Premier Fat Loss Expert and the creator of the Final Phase Fat Loss program

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Romaniello, New York’s Premier Fat

Loss Expert and the creator of the Final Phase Fat Loss program

As you may have heard me say before (and if

you haven’t, you’re going to hear it now!), when

you are breaking through a fat loss plateau or

trying to get to the Final Phase of leanness,

things get a bit murkier than they do with

traditional fat loss.

Rather than dieting excessively in order to

create a calorie deficit, we are now looking to

enter into energy debt…and we do this with

intelligently designed training protocols. That’s

because keeping energy intake high ensures

that Leptin levels don’t drop and throw another

hormonal monkey wrench into the machinery.

You see, when you’re getting very lean or

you’ve hit a plateau, fat loss is not just about

calories in vs. calories out. It’s about your

hormonal environment and the way that affects

fat storage, and thereby fat loss.

When you’ve lost the first 20 or 30 or whatever

pounds, you’ve lost the “easy” fat. What you’ll

notice about your body is that you’re now

holding fat specifically in your trouble areas;

and those trouble areas are determined by your

specific hormonal environment.

It’s not just about energy debt or cardio or to a

lesser extent, diet (although all of those things

do factor in quite a bit, obviously). When your

fat loss has stalled and you’re trying to break

through that wall, or when you’re trying to rid

yourself of those last stubborn 5-10 pounds, it’s

a hormonal battle.

And there is only one way to win:

fight hormones with hormones.

So, let’s look at the three specific hormones that

cause the most common types of regional fat


1. Estrogen – The female sex hormone

responsible for lower body fat storage patterns.

2. Insulin – Or rather, insulin resistance. This

nasty little dude heavily influences fat storage in

the love handles and lower back area.

3. Cortisol – The appropriately dubbed “stress

hormone” is part of the reason you’ve got more

flab than ab.

There you have it…those are your enemies!

Now, I want to talk to you about how you can

actually increase the production of other

hormones through the manipulation of training

methods in order to offset the above mentioned

“bad” hormones.

In this corner

Estrogen vs. Testosterone

Now that we’ve established estrogen is the main

reason lower body fat storage occurs, we need

to know how to work around that.

Well, how else would you combat estrogen but

with testosterone?

To put it bluntly, when it comes to fat loss and

muscle gain…

Testosterone GOOD – Estrogen BAD

It’s for that reason that professional athletes,

bodybuilders, and the juicers down at the

Jersey Shore use illicit steroids that are

derivatives of testosterone.

Of course, that’s not an option for us – and

certainly not desirable.

Instead, we are going to increase testosterone

levels naturally; through training. Not only will

this increase the net fat-burning effect of all

exercises, but more appropriate to our purposes

here, it will also facilitate in getting rid of lower

body fat.

I should mention something here to alleviate

any concerns. It is NOT possible to produce a

detrimental amount of testosterone through

training. So ladies, you don’t have to worry

about any masculinizing effects.

Instead, training produces what we would term

a “high” amount of testosterone from a

physiological perspective, relative to what your

body normally produces. For the guys, this

means that such training will help you put on a

bit more muscle – just not steroid muscle.

Got it? Okay, moving on.

At this point, I know you’re thinking, “All right

Roman, get to the point, what do I do?”

Great question! Well, the answer is Density


Training in a way that seeks to increase training

density is one of the best ways to spur your

body to produce and release more testosterone,

which will (obviously) help you lose that

estrogen related fat storage.

Training density can be defined as the amount

of work you do in a given amount of time during

a training session. So, if you want to increase

density, you can…

(1)               Do more work (sets, reps, or both) in the
                                       same amount of time


     (2) Do the same amount of work and
    decrease the time in which you do it


ver, I’ve come up with a method of Density

Training that is specific to radical fat loss! This

means that not only will you produce the

testosterone necessary to mitigate your

regional fat issue, but you’ll also lose more fat

on the whole.

Pretty cool, eh? So here is how we do it…

As an example, let’s pick 3 exercises: the

overhead press, the dumbbell row, and the


Setting these up in a circuit fashion, you

perform them one after another with little rest 



Sounds like just about any circuit training

protocol, right?


Instead of having a set number of reps, we’re

going to be performing each of these exercises

for TIME – you simply have to do as many as

you can in a given time period.

To make it easy, let’s say you did each of the

above exercises for 30 seconds. In performing

such a circuit, your results might look like this:

Overhead Press – 25 pound dumbbells for 20


DB Row – 40 pound dumbbells for 18 reps

Squat – 100 pound barbell for 22 reps

Not too shabby. Now, HERE is where it gets


We’re going to take advantage of some cool

things that happen in the body; triggers that will

make you more efficient and more capable.

So, to do that, we’re going to INCREASE the

weight by 10-20% and try to do MORE reps.

Does that seem impossible? It isn’t.

Due to neuromuscular junction and neural

activation, in almost ALL cases, you’ll be able to

do just that.

Your second attempt at that circuit might look

like this:

Overhead Press – 30 pound dumbbells for 23


DB Row – 50 pound dumbbells for 20 reps

Squat – 120 pound barbell for 25 reps

Now, I know you’re having trouble believing 


outcome is even possible (much less common),

but I implore you, try it for yourself!

Density Training is fun, challenge-based, burns

a heck of a lot of fat, and most importantly, is

one of the best training modalities around for

increasing testosterone production and release.

And that’s why training for increased workout

density will help you shed stubborn lower body

fat AND more fat on the whole.

Insulin Resistance vs. IGF-1

Insulin resistance is combated very nicely by a

hormone called IGF-1, or Insulin-like Growth

Factor One.

Producing extra IGF-1 via training will help you

(and me!) improve insulin sensitivity and begin

to rid ourselves of our love handles and lower

back fat.

We know that insulin resistance is very

common, particular in people who were

previously overweight. So, if you have lost

some fat and you’re now struggling to lose a bit

more (and that fat happens to be in your love

handles), I’m willing to bet you’re suffering from

some degree of insulin resistance.

In order to get rid of that fat, we need to do fat

burning workouts (obviously) and increase

insulin sensitivity to the greatest degree that we

can. As a result, we need to employ what I call

Dynamic Training.

Dynamic Training is pretty much the over-

arching concept of how I design fat loss training

programs; it consists of using fast-paced

movements to teach the body how to move

more efficiently.

Because this style of training is extremely

expensive in terms of energy (calorie) demand,

Dynamic Training is excellent as a general fat

loss modality.

Perhaps more importantly however, is the fact

that utilizing these types of exercises and

setting them up in a non-competing circuit

fashion under the Dynamic Training umbrella is

an incredible way to produce IGF-1. And doing

that is one of the most effective methods to

mitigate insulin sensitivity.

Take it from someone who knows!

Nothing is better for combating love handle fat

than increasing insulin sensitivity – and like I

said, one of the most effective ways to do that is

to produce more IGF-1 through Dynamic


Cortisol vs. Growth Hormone

And now we come to our final bout of the

evening–the main event, as it were.

We have touched on cortisol a bit, so I won’t

rehash that too much. Suffice it to say that the

higher your cortisol levels are, the more fat

you’re going to be storing on your belly. Given

that fact, it stands to reason that if you store fat

primarily in the abdominal region, you’re a

victim of high cortisol.

Never fear, though: Growth Hormone is here!

Also known as the “Fountain of Youth”, growth

hormone is the single most effective compound

your body can produce to affect both fat loss

and muscle gain. The more of it you produce,

the faster you’ll lose fat and build muscle. It’s

just as simple as that.

Now, in addition to that awesome little fact,

growth hormone is going to whoop cortisol’s

butt AND help you burn belly fat.

Also, you’ve probably heard that one of the

ways to reduce your cortisol levels is to get

more sleep. That’s something you hear on

nearly all of the medical TV shows. What you

don’t hear is the reason.

You see, sleeping is one of the main ways by

which your body produces growth hormone. In

other words, while you’re sleeping, it’s your

body’s primary opportunity to produce growth

hormone. And, as I stated previously, growth

hormone is one of the main hormones that

reduces the effects of cortisol.

So, sleep more and you’ll produce more GH!

Produce more GH and you’ll have less cortisol!

Therefore, sleeping more, results in lower

cortisol levels. Got it?

Of course, I’m not suggesting you can just sleep

your way past a fat loss plateau (although

getting more sleep does help). I’m merely

illustrating the relationship between cortisol and

growth hormone.

Which leads us to the production of growth

hormone as it relates to training…

While nearly all forms of exercise produce both

growth hormone and cortisol, some types are

better than others.

For example, cortisol is heavily produced in

long duration cardio sessions. But let’s not do


Instead, we’re going to utilize a style of training

that produces more growth hormone…Lactic

Acid Training (in order to get to the growth

hormone, you must first produce lactic acid).

By definition, lactic acid is a by-product of the

chemical reactions that take place during

exercise. This substance is wildly irritating to

the nerves, and your body responds. Think of

lactic acid as a type of oil…igniting fires as it

flows through you. Your body will put those

fires out by dousing them with soothing,

cooling growth hormone.

Okay, maybe I’m being a little simplistic with my

metaphor, but it gives you a general idea.

In any event, we must structure training to

produce the most lactic acid possible. And

because lactic acid is primarily produced in the

concentric (positive) phase of anaerobic

exercise, we will extend that period, and

decrease the eccentric period.

What that means is that we lift the weight very,

very slowly. And then we lower it very, very

quickly so that we can have a fast turn around.

As an example, if you’re doing a squat, you’ll

descend to the bottom of the squat very quickly

(drop down fast, but still controlling the weight

somewhat) and then lift the weight sloooowly,

oh so sloooowly – over a period of 4-6 seconds.

This will create tremendous amounts of lactic

acid, which will in turn send GH production into


Now, I must mention that training in this way

necessitates the use of lighter weights than you

would normally use on any given exercise.

Therefore, if you’re interested in Lactic Acid

Training, I suggest you reduce the weight you’d

use on any exercise by about 30% in order to be

both safe and effective.

With traditional training methods, you’d lift the

weight pretty quickly and lower it slowly. Here

we’re doing the opposite, in order to produce

the most lactic acid possible…which will then

lead to a corresponding increase in the

production of growth hormone.

This will result in not only reducing cortisol, but

also reducing cortisol related fat storage in your

belly. And on top of it all, it’s great for fat loss in
